How Georgia is Affected by the Government Shutdown
Impact of the federal government shutdown on the Georgia economy, government employees, assistance recipients and business owners.
Impact of the federal government shutdown on the Georgia economy, government employees, assistance recipients and business owners.
With over 16,000 federal workers furloughed or working without pay in Georgia, the government shutdown is a financially dire situation for federal workers. Luckily, some businesses are stepping up and offering help to those affected by the shutdown. The government shutdown assistance in Georgia ranges from flexible bill payment options to free hot meals. There …
f This article will cover GA Eppicard login and how to check your balance. If you are currently receiving child support or cash assistance (TANF) benefits in Georgia, you are probably familiar with the Georgia EPPICard. In this article, we will answer all your questions about the Georgia EPPICard, so you can access your child …
As part of our ongoing series to provide a complete list of all stores that accept EBT in GA, we are starting a mini version of this project by providing a list of all places that accept EBT in Atlanta. If you live in Atlanta, you now have a complete list of grocery stores, pharmacies, …
Hurricane Irma Closes Georgia DFCS In accordance with the Governor’s state of emergency declaration on Hurricane Irma, all state offices including the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS), will be closed on Monday, September 11th and Tuesday, September 12th. The Georgia DFCS offices plan to reopen at their normal operating hours on Wednesday, September …