If you live in Conyers, GA and need immediate help with free food now, food banks, food pantries, and soup kitchens are a great place to start. There are over 14 Conyers food bank and food pantry locations. In this article, we will provide you with a complete list of food banks in Conyers GA, including addresses and phone numbers.
The quickest way to get free food now is through food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens. We have provided below the list of food pantries in Conyers, Georgia.
Continue reading below to see the complete list of Conyers food banks and food pantry locations near you.
However, over the long term, Georgia food stamp (SNAP) benefits offer another way to get access to nutritious food, if you are struggling to provide food for your household.
To see if you qualify for food stamps, see our Georgia Food Stamps Eligibility Guide.
In addition, if you are eligible for food stamps and have little or no income, you may qualify for expedited processing of your application through the Emergency Food Stamps Program.
If you are found to be eligible for expedited SNAP processing, you will get your food stamps benefits in 5 days.
For details on how to apply for SNAP benefits in Conyers and details about expedited processing, continue reading below.
What is a Food Bank?
A food bank is a non-profit that safely stores millions of pounds of food that will soon be delivered to local food programs, like a food pantry.
Food banks range in size, with some being double the size of a Costco wholesale store.
The food they store is donated from local neighbors, retailers, grocery stores, and restaurants.
To get the food into the hands of the community, food banks hire drivers to make the deliveries. Every food bank serves a specific area that varies in size.
How different is a food bank from a food pantry?
A food pantry is a distribution center where hungry families can receive food. Supplied with food from a food bank, pantries feed hundreds of people per week!
At a mobile pantry, truckloads of food are distributed to people in pre-packed boxes or displayed on folding tables like a farmer’s market.
List of Free Food Banks in Conyers GA
Here is the list of all the free food pantry and food bank locations in Conyers, including addresses and phone numbers.
Additionally, some of the food banks and pantries listed below offer food stamps pre-screening services for free.
This is to help you determine if you qualify for food stamp benefits in Georgia.
There are 14 food pantry and food banks in Conyers GA that can provide you with immediate food help.
See the complete list of the free food banks in Conyers below:
Caring Touch Church
301 Honey Creek Road SE
Conyers, GA 30094
Phone: (404) 913-2146
Conyers Seventh-day Adventist Church
3001 Old Salem Road SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (770) 483-0764
Excel Church
1151 Flat Shoals Road SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (678) 712-5685
Families Helping Families
Eastside Baptist Church
4010 Hwy 138 SW
Conyers, GA 30281
Phone: (678) 902-4001
Father’s House Church
1203 Royal Drive SW
Conyers, GA 30094
Phone: (770) 785-7172
Fish & Loaves Food Pantry
Emmanuel Community Church
1400 Hwy 212 SE
Conyers, GA 30094
Phone: (678) 413-3603
One Heart One Church
1605 Hwy 138 SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (678) 910-5725
Positive Peering, Inc
1775 Parker Road
Conyers, GA 30094
Phone: (678) 334-8645
Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection
3676 GA Hwy 20 NE
Conyers, GA 30012
Phone: (770) 922-5553
Resource Center for Community Action
3940 Hwy. 20 SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: 770-760-1346
Rockdale County Emergency Relief Fund
Community Food Bank
350 Tall Oaks Drive SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (770) 922-0165
Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund
350 Tall Oaks Drive SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (770) 922-9210
Three Angels Food Network
1318 Olympic CT SW
Conyers, GA 30012
Phone: (770) 281-9479
Xtra Mile Food Bank
1203 Royal Drive SW
Conyers, GA 30094
How to Qualify for Georgia SNAP Benefits
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits help you pay for food.
You can use SNAP and Georgia EBT benefits to shop for food at grocery stores, supermarkets, and farmer’s markets.
Anyone can apply for SNAP benefits. You may be eligible even if you have a job, receive SSI or disability benefits, own a home, or own a car.
Who is Eligible for Food Stamps in Conyers GA?
The categories of people that are eligible for food assistance in Conyers, Georgia include:
- Any Georgia household or individual (including homeless) with no or low income
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients
- College students who meet eligibility requirements
- Legal permanent residents and qualified immigrants
- Elderly (age 60 or older) and disabled household members
If you are eligible and approved for benefits, you will receive SNAP benefits within 30 days.
Additionally, certain households with little income or savings, or with high housing costs, can receive SNAP benefits within five days (see below for details).
For details about Georgia SNAP eligibility and how to apply in Conyers, visit our Georgia Food Stamps Guide or continue reading below.
How to Get Emergency SNAP in Georgia
You may be eligible for expedited SNAP if you meet one of the following:
- Your household has $100 or less in liquid resources and less than $150 in gross monthly income.
- You are a migrant or seasonal farmworker household with $100 or less in liquid resources and you have not received any income since you applied for SNAP.
- Your household’s monthly income and liquid resources together are less than the total of your monthly rent or mortgage and heating costs and utilities (electricity, telephone, and water).

There are three ways you can apply for food stamps in Conyers – online, in-person, or by phone (or fax).
Option 1 – Online at Georgia Gateway
The easiest and quickest way to apply for Georgia Food Stamps in County is online at the Gateway GA website.
You can complete and submit for Georgia Food Stamps application online through the GA Gateway website by visiting gateway.ga.gov.
If this is your first time using the Georgia Gateway online portal, you will first have to create a GA Gateway online account.
Creating a Georgia Gateway account is quick, easy, and should only take a few minutes.
Once you have created your account, you can apply for food stamp benefits online by submitting your GA Food Stamps Application.
If you are having issues using the Gateway.GA.gov online platform, please contact their Help Desk by calling 1-877-423-4746.
Customer service agents are available to help Monday through Friday from 8am – 5pm.
Option 2 – By Phone
If you do not have access to a computer, you can also submit your GA SNAP Application by phone.
To apply for Georgia food stamps by phone, here is the phone number to call:
Conyers GA DFCS Customer Service Phone Number: 1-877-423-4746
If you are deaf or hearing impaired, please call GA Relay Services by dialing 7-1-1 on your phone.
You will be walked through the steps on how to apply for benefits by phone.
Option 3 – In Person at Georgia DFCS Office
The next way to apply for food stamps in Georgia is in-person at your local county Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) office.
Click here for a full list of Georgia DFCS Office locations.
After you submit an application, you will be contacted by an eligibility worker to complete the online application.
Option 4 – By Mail
The last option for completing your Georgia SNAP Application is by mail. In order to complete your application by mail, you must download the Georgia SNAP Application online.
To apply for Georgia food stamps by mail, click here to download the Georgia SNAP EBT Application for Benefits.
Once completed, you can upload your Georgia SNAP Application online or mail the completed application to the Division Children and Family Services.
To submit your Georgia Food Stamps Application by mail, send it to your local GA DFCS office.
Be sure to include copies of any requested verification documentation with your Georgia Food Stamps Application.
Rockdale County DFCS Office Location
Here’s the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) Office location in Rockdale County.
The Conyers GA DFCS Office handles Georgia food stamp applications and benefits.
Conyers GA DFCS Office
975 Taylor Street Southwest
Conyers, GA 30012
Phone Number: (770) 388-5025
Conyers GA Food Stamps Application
If you are completing your Georgia SNAP Application by phone, fax, or mail download the Georgia SNAP EBT Application for Benefits.
Food Banks in Conyers GA Summary
We hope this post on the Food Pantry and Food Banks in Conyers GA was helpful to you!
To find more food pantry and food bank locations in Georgia, check out our complete guide on all the Free Food Banks in Georgia.
If you have more questions about your Georgia EBT or SNAP Benefits, please let us know in the comments section below.
For more help on what and where you can use your Georgia EBT Card, check out our other articles here:
- Food Banks in Atlanta (55+ Locations)
- Georgia EBT Card Guide
- Free Food Bank Locations in Georgia
- Georgia Food Stamps Eligibility Guidelines
- What can you buy with Food Stamps in Georgia?
- Amazon Prime Discount for Georgia EBT Cardholders
- Georgia EBT Card Discounts & Freebies