Are you trying to find out if you will be receiving extra food stamps this month? We can help. If you want to know how much in extra SNAP benefits you can expect and when you’ll receive them, then continue reading below.
In this article, we will cover:
- What are Emergency Allotment benefits?
- Who qualifies for extra SNAP benefits
- How much in extra food stamps will I receive?
- When you’ll receive your Extra Food Stamps in Georgia
- Extra SNAP Benefits for August 2024
Alert: Get the Georgia SNAP EBT Deposit Dates for August 2024.
Extra Food Stamp Benefits in Georgia
Since March, Georgia has been using temporary SNAP flexibility to provide emergency food benefits to households impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These temporary flexibilities are also referred to as Emergency Allotment benefits.
What are Emergency Allotment benefits?
Emergency Allotment benefits are emergency food assistance benefits that are disbursed to SNAP recipients to help address temporary food needs. Emergency Allotment benefits were implemented to help provide immediate relief to households struggling to meet their nutritional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EA benefits are part of the Pandemic Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also know as P-SNAP.
What is P-SNAP?
P-SNAP provides provides emergency allotment benefits to households based on their size. Pandemic SNAP has helped households with children missing school meals, people who have lost their job, and individuals facing food insecurity by delivering emergency assistance EA benefits during the pandemic.
The USDA has granted each state permission to use these temporary flexibilities in the food stamps program to provide additional assistance to low-income households.
To find out what households qualify to receive Emergency Allotment EA benefits during the Coronavirus pandemic, continue reading below.
Alert: Find out about the Georgia Food Stamps Increase for 2024
Emergency Allotment Benefits Eligibility
If you are trying to find out if you are eligible to receive extra food stamps in Georgia, we can help. To find out who qualifies for extra SNAP EBT benefits, continue reading below.
Who qualifies for extra SNAP benefits?
Any household that is currently participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and receiving SNAP EBT benefits qualifies for extra food stamp Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits.
In addition, any household that is approved for SNAP EBT in a month when EA benefits are issued, will also qualify to receive extra food stamp benefits.
To find out how much you can expect to receive in extra SNAP benefits, continue reading below.
How much in extra food stamps will I receive?
The amount of extra food stamp benefits you receive is determined by your household size. Your Emergency Allotment benefits through P-SNAP is the difference between the amount of benefits you are currently receiving and the maximum benefit amount for your household size.
If you are already receiving the maximum monthly benefit amount for your household size, then you will not receive any additional or extra SNAP benefits.
However, if you are not receiving the maximum benefit allotment for your household size, then you will receive extra food stamp benefits. This means that you will receive the Maximum Benefit Amount for your household size with EA benefits.
For help, check out our example on how to calculate your Emergency Allotment benefits below:
Emergency Allotment Benefits Calculator
The formula to calculate how much in extra food stamps you will receive through Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits is provided below.
Current Monthly SNAP Benefits – Maximum Monthly Benefit Allotment = Total Extra SNAP benefits
If you live in a household of 3 people and are currently receiving $425 in SNAP benefits per month, then you will receive $84 in extra food stamp benefits.
That’s because the maximum allotment amount for a household of three is $509 per month.
To find out the maximum SNAP benefit allotment for your household size, check out the table below.
Maximum SNAP Benefit Allotment by Household Size
Use the chart below to find the Maximum SNAP Allotment Amount for your household size. The Maximum Allotment amount varies by household size, so refer to the maximum SNAP benefit amount for the total number of people in your household.
Maximum SNAP Benefit Amount by Household Size for Georgia | |
Effective October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024 | |
Household Size | Maximum SNAP Benefit Allotment |
1 | $291 |
2 | $535 |
3 | $766 |
4 | $973 |
5 | $1,155 |
6 | $1,386 |
7 | $1,532 |
8 | $1,751 |
Each Additional Household Member: | +$219 per person |
When you’ll receive Extra SNAP Benefits in Georgia
If you are currently receiving Georgia SNAP EBT benefits, you qualify to receive Emergency Allotment benefits.
The Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) has been issuing Emergency Allotment benefits to SNAP households every month since March 2020. This means that if you are a Georgia food stamps recipient, you should have received extra food stamp benefits each month since March.
The extra SNAP benefits you receive should bring your total SNAP benefits each month to the maximum allotment amount for your household size.
Georgia SNAP EBT Cardholders can expect to receive their extra food stamp benefits on their EBT Card by the end of each month.
If you do not receive your Emergency Allotment benefits, please contact your SNAP caseworker at your local DFCS office. To find the GA DFCS office near you, click here.
To find out when you can expect to receive your extra Georgia SNAP benefits for this month, continue reading below.
Extra GA SNAP Benefits for 2024
To find out when you can expect to receive your Emergency Allotment EA benefits on your Georgia SNAP EBT Card each month, use the list provided below.
Extra Georgia Food Stamps for August 2024
As of October 9th, the USDA has not approved an extension for Georgia’s Emergency Allotment (EA) SNAP Benefits for August 2024.
Is Georgia issuing extra SNAP benefits in August 2024?
No, Georgia will not be distributing emergency allotment SNAP benefits in August 2024. Over 691,000 Georgia households will not be receiving the extra food stamp benefits through P-SNAP for August.
Why did the Extra Food Stamps end in Georgia?
The extra food stamp benefits in Georgia was passed to help families facing hardship due to the pandemic. The pandemic SNAP benefits, also known as P-SNAP added an extra $95 in benefits to Georgia EBT Cards each month.
In June 2022, each SNAP household in Georgia began receiving their normal food stamp benefits. In addition, SNAP eligibility requirements, including household size, income, and deductions will go back to their normal standards.
Did Georgia receive extra food stamp benefits in July 2024?
No, Georgia EBT Cardholders was not approved for extra food stamp benefits for July 2024. The extra food stamps in Georgia ended after June 2022.
2024 Summer EBT in Georgia
Summer EBT, formerly known as Summer P-EBT has been launched for 2024 as a permanent program.
The Summer EBT for 2024 will reduce child hunger and improve diet quality during the summer months.
Summer EBT benefits will come in the form of pre-loaded cards that families can use to purchase eligible grocery items.
Beginning in Summer 2024, families will receive $40 per eligible child, per month.
These benefits work with other available nutrition assistance programs, such as summer meal sites, SNAP, and WIC.
This will help ensure kids have consistent access to critical nutrition when school is out.
To learn more about the new Summer EBT Program for 2024, read the complete article on 2024 Summer EBT.
Georgia SNAP Increase for 2024
Effective October 1, 2023, the USDA increased food stamp benefits for all Georgia SNAP recipients.
Georgia food stamp households can expect to receive an average increase of 3.5% in their monthly SNAP EBT benefits.
The annual increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is an effort to reflect changes in the cost of living.
A two-person household could receive $19 more in maximum SNAP benefits, from $516 to $535.
The maximum SNAP benefit for a family of 4 will increase by $34 from $939 to $973.
Additionally, a family of 5 will see their maximum food stamps benefits increase to $1,155 from $1,116 – an increase of $39.
As you can see, there has not been a significant increase in SNAP Maximum Allotment benefits from fiscal year 2023 to 2024.
The new Georgia SNAP benefit increase went into effect on Sunday, October 1st 2023.
To learn more and find out exactly how much more you can expect to receive, read our complete article about the 2024 Georgia Food Stamps Increase.
Georgia EBT/P-SNAP Balance Check
If you want to check your EBT and P-SNAP benefits balance to see if you’ve received your extra food stamps, we can help.
To check your Georgia P-SNAP balance, all you need to do is access the balance on your Georgia EBT Card.
Your Emergency Allotment benefits are automatically deposited to your EBT Card on your scheduled P-SNAP deposit date.
There are three ways to check your Georgia EBT Card balance – online, by phone, and in the store.
For detailed instructions on how to obtain your Georgia EBT Card balance, check out our complete Georgia EBT Card balance check article here.
Emergency SNAP Benefits
If you are facing hunger and need immediate help accessing food, there is help available to you.
For immediate food help, check out our guide on how to get Emergency Food Stamps in Georgia.
Our guide will provide you with everything you need to get help with immediate food assistance.
Extra Food Stamps in Georgia – Summary
We hope this post on the Extra Food Stamp benefits in Georgia for 2024 was helpful. For more information on P-SNAP and when you can expect to receive your Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits continue to check back for updates.
We will continue to provide more information about extra SNAP benefits in Georgia as more information becomes available.
In addition, if you have any additional questions about your Georgia food stamps, please let us know in the comments section below. We are here to help!
Want to know when you will receive your Food Stamps in August 2024? Check out the Georgia SNAP Payment Schedule for August 2024.
For information on Georgia P-EBT and other Coronavirus food assistance programs, check out our article here.
Have you checked out our Georgia EBT Card Discounts for 2024 yet?! See what freebies and discounts your Georgia SNAP EBT Card qualifies you for in our article here.
Check out our other articles:
- Georgia Food Stamps Increase for 2024
- Georgia SNAP Deposit Dates for 2024
- Georgia EBT Card Discounts & Freebies
- Free Admission with Georgia EBT
- Amazon Prime Discount for Georgia EBT