If you are trying to sign up for Georgia My Compass account, we can help. If you have been approved or are currently receiving Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid and Child Care, you need to create a compass account in order to access your benefits information online. A Compass account allows you to check the status of your benefits, submit benefits renewal information and report changes to your accounts.
In this post, we will show you the step by step process of creating your MyCompass Account so you can get online access to your benefit information through the Department of Family and Children Services (DCFS).
Sign up for Georgia My Compass Account
Follow the steps below to create your MyCompass Account:
Step 1
Visit the Department of Family and Children Services website and click on the “MyCOMPASS Account” as shown in the image below.
Step 2:
Click on “Create Account” as shown below.
Step 3
You will be taken to this page, where you will have to enter your Social Security Number and Date of Birth as shown below. You will then be asked to enter your benefits information. If you are approved for Food Stamps, Medicaid, TANF, you will be asked your Client ID number. If it’s child care case, you will have to provide your child care case as shown in the image below. Be sure to have that information ready before you begin the process of creating an account.
If you don’t have your Client ID number for your Food Stamps, Medicaid, TANF, benefit, you can find the number by looking at the top of any letter you have gotten from your caseworker. If you are unable to locate or do not know your Client ID number, please contact the Online Services hotline at 1-877-423-4746.
Note: You have to enter the information requested correctly in order to be able to proceed. Once you hit the “Continue” button, you will be directed to the rest of the steps required to successfully sign up for Georgia My Compass Account.
Otherwise, you will get an error message. If you get an error message, it’s probably for one of the following reasons:
– You probably typed in the wrong date of birth, Social Security Number, and Client ID or Case Number correctly.
– Also, you cannot create an account unless you are the person who is designated as the Head of Household in your case.
– Finally, you must currently be receiving either Food Stamp, TANF, Medicaid Benefits, or Child Care.
If you have questions about how to sign up for Georgia My Compass Account, you can call the Online Services Hotline at 1-877-423-4746 for help.
**ATTENTION: Since this article was posted, Georgia COMPASS has moved to a new platform called Georgia Gateway. Georgia COMPASS no longer exists. You can use the new Georgia Gateway platform to access all social benefit programs. For more information on the Georgia Gateway platform, please see our updated post on creating a Georgia Gateway account, here.